Monday, August 6, 2007

Humans have RIGHTS

My philosophy on Animal Rights is that HUMANS HAVE
RIGHTS. Animals have the moral expectation of being
treated with decency, but that is not a right. A “RIGHT”
is a legal term and comes with responsibilities and
expectations that cannot be applied to animals. I have a
MORAL and LEGAL OBLIGATION to treat animals
decently, BUT an animal has no legal rights. You can't
legislate responsibility. You can educate, you can hold
people accountable for their actions, but no law is ever
going to force anyone, anywhere to be responsible.

Elizabeth Brinkley

Link to full article:

1 comment:

Bruno Oliveira said...

Besides the raw truth in your post, it is a shame the way we europeans treat and "catalog" our dog breeds, under easy demagogic philosophy.
To blind to see that dangerous are not the dogs but the owners.
There are far more byte cases made from cocker spaniels than Pitbulls why?
because cockers are far more common